Laundry operations within a care home can be demanding and labour-intensive, often requiring significant effort with limited recognition. However, the smooth and efficient functioning of the laundry department is critical to the overall well-being and comfort of residents.
Join Olivia Nolan, Business Development Director for care, and JLA’s in-house chemist Lucy Cripwell as they discuss:
• Thermal disinfection
• Remote maintenance and monitoring
• Domestic vs commercial machines
• Ozone technology and much more.
Podcast hosted by Alan Rustad and kindly sponsored by Rotacloud.
Why is infection control important?
Infection control is arguably the most important thing to get right and stay on top of for care home across the UK.
It is critical to maximise the health and safety of residents, staff, visitors and contractors by reducing the risks of infections. It is also key to bear up to the scrutiny of CQC inspections – following best practice procedures.
The podcast outlines the importance of constantly reviewing performance if you are to maximise the prevention and control of infections to keep care home residents out of harm’s way.
The focus on energy efficiency
With energy prices set to increase and care homes seeking to decarbonise, there is a continued focus on energy efficiency for managers and owners. In the podcast, we outline ways of improving efficiency and reducing bills whilst also maximising resident safety and comfort.
Learn about how using commercial equipment and ozone technology can help to improve both energy efficiency and enhance infection control in care homes.